Saturday, May 16, 2009

A young girl asks her mother a few questions.

"Mommy, how old are you?"

The mother replies, "You don't ask a woman her age, dear, it's not polite."

"Okay," says the girl, "then how much do you weigh?"

"Dear," says the mother, "that's another thing you don't ask a woman."

The girl thinks for a second and then asks, "Why did you and daddy get divorced?"

Becoming exasperated, the mother replies, "That is enough with the questions, young lady!" and walks away.

Later that day, the girl is playing with her friend and mentions that her mom didn't answer any questions. Her playmate says it's easy to find out, just look at her driver's license.

The girl goes home, gets her mother's driver's license out of her purse and studies it for a few minutes.

The mother comes in and sees what her daughter is doing.

"What are you doing in my purse, young lady?"

Her daughter replies, "I see that you are 32 years old and weigh 145 pounds."

"Give me my license," says the mother.

The girl continues, "And I also know why you and daddy got divorced."

"Oh, is that right?" says the mother. "And how do you know that?"

"Simple," replies the girl, "you got an F in sex. It says so right here."


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